First, download Raspbian from here if you're using an official Raspberry pi, or from here if you're using something from Libre Computer.
Then, flash the file to your MicroSD card using your favorite software. I recommed using Etcher, but any disk imager wil do the job.
If using a Libre Computer, you will need to enable SSH by adding a file named ssh on the boot drive. This is required to enable ssh. You will also need to setup a user by creating a file called userconf.txt with the contents of username:encrypted-password, replacing username with your desired username, and replacing encrypted-password with what you generated by going to and typing in openssl passwd -6.
Load the SD card into the Pi, and power it on.
You will now need to find the IP address to your Raspberry Pi. There are multiple ways you can find the IP address of your Pi, but I wont list them here.
Once you've logged into your Pi, get the latest update by typing the following:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo reboot
Once your Pi has come back online from the reboot, you need to check if PulseAudio is installed. You can do that by running
dpkg-query -l 'pulseaudio*'
If it responds and says its installed, you can remove it by running:
sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio
sudo apt-get autoremove
Once PulseAudio is removed, its time to install Direwolf. To do so, you need to download it from GitHub. You can do so by running the commands below:
cd ~
sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev -y
sudo apt-get install libudev-dev
git clone
Before moving on, you need to install Hamlib. You can do that by following this guide (excluding everything after step 9) by RigPi.
You may need to install automake, autoreconf, and libtool. You can do so by running the commands below:
sudo apt-get install automake -y
sudo apt-get install libtool -y
sudo apt-get install build-essential -y
Now, heres the part that takes the longest: compiling.
To compile Direwolf, youre going to want to make sure you're in the direwolf directory by doing
cd ~
cd direwolf
Once you've entered the Direwolf directory, you can start the compilation process. You can do so by running the commands below.
sudo apt install cmake -y
sudo apt install libudev-dev -y
sudo apt install libgps-dev -y
mkdir build
cd build
sudo cmake ..
sudo make -j4
sudo cmake .
sudo make install
sudo make install-conf
If all went well, you should be able to run direwolf
without any issues (excluding it saying your soundcard isnt configured).
Next Step: CDM Radio Programming